Memorandum of Understanding
The practice of Actuarial Work-Products, Inc. is to inaugurate its activities without the necessity of a formal legal contract with the Eligible User. The right to require such formal contract in the future is reserved by Actuarial Work-Products, Inc.
There is, however, an implicit understanding between the Eligible User and Actuarial Work-Products, Inc. that may be summarized as follows:
The Parties understand and agree to the following:
- The Eligible-User may access the Website by means of its User Name and password and gain any and all of the economic or other advantages available with certain designated Actuarial Work-Products thereforth.
- The Eligible-User and Actuarial Work-Products, Inc. agree to and understand the basic principles and practices of Actuarial Work-Products, Inc.:
- Structured/standardized Work-Products.
- Structured/standardized required data.
- Predetermined and global fees
- Intenet-based with a dedicated and secured Website
- Set rules governing professional or clerical errors.
Such principles and practices are more fully-described on the Website.
3. The Parties understand and agree to the following as respects submitted data:
This stored permanent data is maintained and controlled by the Actuarial Work-
Products, Inc. The Eligible User may input new data changes by hardcopy or
electronically or freely access such Database for search-purposes only.
Plan-Related Data
This data may be inputted by the Eligible User review privileges by the Actuary. This
data will be made an Exhibit to the Work-Product so that the data has whatever life-
span is given to the Work-Product.
4. The Eligible User and Actuarial Work-Products, Inc. agree that errors shall be treated
as follows:
These errors will be deemed clerical errors and subject to correction.
These errors will be deemed professional errors and treated accordingly.
5. Actuarial Work-Products will maintain a permanent electronic file of every e-mail
prepared for control and review purposes.