Information concerning how our work-products might be of interest to an Accountant is given below.
Interest in Work-Products
The Accountant might have either a general or a specific interest in Work-Products.
General Interest
The accounting firm that wishes to compete with those very large firms that have their own staff actuaries will find Actuarial Work-Products appealing in that they can have a actuarial consulting dimension without having to maintain such staff actuaries.
Special Interest
Where the interest of the accountant is limited to auditing and tax issues, the following uses of the menu of work-products should be cited:
1. Claim reserves
2. Annual Actuarial Report (funding, COBRA premiums, IRS Form 1099s for
discrimination or self-employed purposes, e.g.).
3. Miscellaneous (FASB 112, retiree reserves, e. g.).
The Accountant might be a member of any of the following finance-related associations:
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Institute of Management Accountants
American Accountant Association
Institute of Internal Auditors
Other than Association-sponsored journals, the Accountant might subscribe to any of these Journals:
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Cost Management
Internal Auditor
Practical Accountant
CPA Journal
Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of Forensic Accountant
Practical Tax Strategies
Periodicals that accept advertising and that might be subscribed to by the Accountant include the following:
Accounting Today
Business Insurance
Risk and Insurance.